Expected scene: David picks up Marie and they go to the Hughes home. Rolled 1 against CF 5, altered scene. Rolled 9 on Scene Adjustment Table, Make 2 Adjustments: Remove A Character / Add An Object.
6pm Monday evening. David is getting ready to leave the apartment.
Rolled 12 against Chronic Depression - success.
Even though he is looking forward to meeting Chad, it takes a great effort to walk out his front door. He drives over to Marie's place and rings the bell.
Roll for Marie's mood. At the beginning of each session, GURPS Manic-Depressive Disadvantage suggests a d6 roll: 1-3 is manic phase, 4-6 is depression. Each of these triggers other Disadvantages that will affect how Marie acts and is reacted to in the game world. I roll a 2 - Marie is in her manic phase and will have Overconfidence and Workaholic disadvantages activated.
Marie answers the door, looking rather exuberant, and presents a collapsed tripod and suitcase. She tells David that she was able to borrow the Psychology department's VCR recorder to document the interview at the Hughes home. David is grateful and looking forward to working with this equipment. He mentions that they'll probably need to have the Hughes' agree to being recorded, which he doesn't think they'll object to given the amount of trust Catherine has in him.
They load up the equipment in the back of David's Volkswagen Rabbit and head down the road to the Hughes home. It seems like a long drive, and David is becoming worn out by Marie's seemingly excessive chatter. He finds himself getting irritated.
When they ring the doorbell, Eric Hughes answers the door, and looks somewhat upset. Catherine had to leave and go to her mothers. Chad was apparently pestering her again with his psychic ability and Catherine had to leave. Not wanting to cancel on David, she asked Eric to come over so the meeting could still take place. David introduces Marie and Eric invites them into the house.
Chaos Factor down to 4. Lists updated.
Threads List
1. investigate Psi reports
2. meet Chad Hughes
3. Go to Hughes home
4. interview Chad
Characters List
1. weirdness magnet
2. Dr. Marie Higgins
3. Jesse McManus
4. Dean Pritchert
6. classroom / students
7. Manny Britero
8. Duncan Britero
9. Catherine Hughes
10. Chad Hughes
11. Eric Hughes
12. military vet
13. Jesse
14. Manny Britero and church members
15. Depression
16. Dean Pritchert
17. Catherine Hughes
18. Marie
19. Eric Hughes