Blog Archive

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Session Zero: Mythic Lists & First Scene Prep

 Prior to starting the first scene in this Mythic adventure, I spent time finishing David's character sheet and his background story.  I still need to flesh out a character sheet for Marie, and a quick sketch perhaps of the other beginning NPCs that I assume to have an ongoing presence in the game.  I'll probably post the character sheet as a page for Dr. Marie Higgins.  

I might also post the current adventure lists as pages on the site, so that means they'll match up only with the most recently posted blog or game recap.  [edit - I decided to just include updated Lists at the bottom of each scene entry]  As I mentioned in the intro post, I've already populated my Thread's List and Character's List with some entries prior to beginning play.  The only entry that might need explaining is Weirdness Magnet.  I chose to include this as a mechanic to trigger random times in the game that a weird paranormal or Psi event happens to David.  Hopefully this leads to fun experiences within the narrative, plus I love rolling dice and using game mechanics.  

The starting Adventure Lists look like this:

Threads List

1-2 publish / write book on Psi and faith

 - this is a way for David to reach tenure as well as documenting the reality of psi

3-4 investigate Psi reports

- the main adventure 

5-6 make tenure

- a side quest and also something that could create tension (he might not make tenure if he's repeatedly missing classes due to his Obsession, Guilt Complex, and Workaholic disadvantages; if he doesn't make tenure then he could get fired, if he gets fired then he has no job).  I'll be using job rolls and keeping track of time as well as cost of living during this adventure.  If David loses his job because of his GURPS disadvantages, that could impact the story of the game.  

Characters List

1-2 Weirdness Magnet

- to inject inconvenient and hopefully amusing challenges

3-4 Dr. Marie Higgins

- David's main accomplice

5-6 Jesse McManus

- president of the local chapter of National Investigative Community of Psychic Phenomenon

7-8 Dean Pritchert

- David's boss

9-10 NICPP

1-2 (2nd list) classroom / students

All that's left to really do now, besides finish some NPC character sheets, is to generate my opening scene.  I'm probably going to lean towards some kind of random generator - remember I prefer sandboxes and rolling on tables.  I think I'll title each coming blog post by the Mythic Scene #, concluding each entry with the scene summary.  


  1. Really interesting choices for the campaign and central character. Specifically well-suited to a solo game. Let's see what comes out of it!

    1. thanks for your comment and interest! i'm having fun seeing how the game twists and turns each scene


Recording Methods for Solo Play

It's been a couple weeks since my last game.  While I've had other "life stuff" to attend to on my days off, I'd have ...