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David Allen's Schedule & Time Usage

Keeping track of time in a campaign is important, thus the added schedule so I can keep track of David's time.  Sometimes in a game world 'when' a character is able to do something is just as important as 'what' a character can do.  There is also a game mechanic element to this.  David is typically at a deficit with his FP (fatigue points) because of his Workaholic Disadvantage.  He needs 8 hours rest, as per GURPS rules, in order to operate at a full FP.  FP loss from missed sleep can only be made up from actual sleep - not just resting.  His telesend psi power requires FP when he fails a roll to activate it, so the less FP, the less chances he has to reroll when there's failure.  

I'll also be trying to figure out a way to incorporate GURPS Time Use Sheet for David.  This has more to do with figuring out how he has progressed in his skills.  It might also be helpful in seeing how much time was spent on his research for tenure when I roll for that during his monthly job roll.  

M-F schedule

6-7am rise and get ready for work

7am-7pm work - this actual work day varies depending on the day: MWF he teaches 3 classes, T-Thrs he teaches 2 2hour classes.  Whenever he isn't actually teaching he is doing paperwork or research / writing.

MWF 1st class 8-9am, 2nd class 9-10am, 3rd class 1-2pm 

Tues-Thurs 1st class 8-10, 2nd class 1-3

7-10pm "adventuring" or psi investigating 

11pm-6am sleep (only 7 hours, so constant FP deficit unless able to get to bed earlier)

Sat & Sun schedule

pretty much open, although he will be focusing mostly on work or psi investigation

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