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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Scene 5 - Stood Up & Trouble

 Fast forward to Thursday evening.  Expected scene is David picking up Marie and heading over to the Hughes home.  Testing the scene gives a 5, odd and less than CF 7 which means an altered scene.  I'll roll on the Scene Adjustment Table: 10, Make 2 Adjustments.  1 - Remove A Character -  is rolled twice.  The best way I can interpret this is to have Marie not be at her place when David goes to pick her up, and someone from the Hughes residence will not be there.  

When David arrives at Marie's apartment to pick her up she doesn't answer the door.  

Is her car parked outside?  Yes.

David notices her car is parked outside and tries the front door again, knocking and ringing the doorbell. At this point he's not sure whether to be angry or concerned.  He decides to try her neighbor's door.

Does anyone answer?  98 - Exceptional Yes.

An elderly woman answers the door, almost like she was expecting someone.  David asks her if she's seen Marie.

6 - Exceptional No.  Rolling on Character Conversations I get a 92 and 6 Refuse / Angry.  

The woman, visibly angry, shouts at David for disturbing her and tells him to go away.  Startled, he apologizes for disturbing her and said he was only becoming concerned that Marie didn't answer the door while her car was parked outside the apartment - that she was supposed to be expecting him.  The woman slams the door in David's face.  Bewildered, David decides to leave the apartment building.  He decides to go back to his car, scribble a quick note asking Marie to call his house and leave a message on his answering machine saying if she's OK, and slips the note under the door.  

David arrives at the Hughes residence - shaken.  He rings the doorbell.

Does the mother answer the door?  Yes.

Catherine answers the door.  

Based on the current context, and the probability that if Catherine is there then Chad is not, I roll on Character Descriptors and get 16 & 1, Bizarre / Abnormal.

She seems shaken - much more so than David, but also very much disturbed.  David asks her if she's alright.  

Roll for Yes.

She answers she's alright, but something seems off.  David tries to see if she's lying to him by using his uncanny ability to detect when someone is lying.  

GURPS success roll against IQ for Empathy, part of David's Telepathy Talent.  Roll a 10, which is a success under his IQ of 12.  

David can tell that Catherine is lying.  Becoming increasingly worried by her behavior, he asks if he can come inside and meet Chad.

Roll on Character Actions, General gives Technology / Kind.  

She invites him to come inside and David can hear the television loudly in the background.  He asks her where Chad is, and she points towards a door leading to what seems like the backyard.  At this point David is becoming increasingly concerned.  He walks over to the television set, turns it off, and heads towards the door.  Opening it leads to the backyard, but Chad is not in sight.  He returns inside the house and finds Catherine sobbing at the kitchen table.  She begins to explain to him that she had turned the television up to try and drown out Chad's voice inside her head.  She screamed at him to leave the house and go to his friend's place to play.  Chad willingly left out the backdoor.  David then asked her if she'd like him to stay until Chad returned, to which she said yes.  

Chaos Factor back up to 8.  Lists updated.

Threads List

publish / write book on Psi and faith

investigate Psi reports

make tenure

make tenure

pursue the lead from the letter

go to Hughes house

contact Duncan Britero or city council

go to Hughes house

find out what happened to Marie

meet Chad Hughes

Characters List

weirdness magnet

Dr. Marie Higgins

Jesse McManus

Dean Pritchert


classroom / students

Dean Pritchert 


Jesse McManus


Manny Britero

Duncan Britero

Catherine Hughes

Chad Hughes


city council 

Jesse McManus



Chad Hughes

Catherine Hughes


  1. Your broadly sandboxed story & explicit retelling of the mechanics as you use them makes this really interesting. I had initially written off Mythic as being just as simple and boring as other solo GM emulators, but you've got me really intrigued.

  2. Mythic is fantastic. My method of annotation has evolved over the course of the scene entries. I'm making some assumptions like system familiarity (with GURPS and Mythic), but hopefully it can be followed enough to not be too confusing.


Recording Methods for Solo Play

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