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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Scene 4 - Deception and Interest

 Expected Scene 4 is David going to school the next day anticipating meeting Marie at some point in order to ask her to accompany him to the upcoming meeting at the Hughes residence.  Before he leaves for work he wants to phone Jesse to tell him about Duncan Britero and the city council.  Testing the scene I roll a 2, which is well below the current Chaos Factor of 8, and being even means an interrupt.  A roll on Event Focus gives Current Context, rolls on Action 1 and Action 2 Meaning Tables gives Communicate / Hope.  Since the first thing David was going to do this morning was phone Jesse, that's the current context.  He decides to call Jesse and not tell him about Duncan Britero or the city council - falsely portraying hope while communicating with him about the upcoming visit at the Hughes home.  David wants to try and fix the problem himself with Britero and the city council.  For now, he'll keep that information to himself.

It's Tuesday morning, and after David speaks with Jesse over the phone, he heads to school.  

Does he get a chance to talk with Marie?  Exceptional Yes.  

Normally David doesn't see Marie outside of the break room during lunch, but on his way to his first class he runs into her in the hallway.  He tells her he needs to talk to her about something important and asks her if she could meet with him during lunch.  She agrees.  After the morning classes.  David meets Marie in the break room and tells her about the letter and the promising lead at the Hughes home.  He asks her if she'd like to accompany him.  

Does she agree?  Exceptional Yes.  

Marie readily accepts and seems very enthusiastic.  She has never joined him before in any kind of investigative lead, only attending a few of the NICPP meetings.  Marie is interested in psychic phenomena but is very skeptical.  She seems to view it with little more than an entertaining interest, but doesn't take it seriously.  Something is different about this time though - she really seems excited about it for some reason.  David tells her he'll pick her up at her place Thursday evening.  

Chaos Factor reduced to 7.  Lists updated.

Threads List

publish / write book on Psi and faith

investigate Psi reports

make tenure

make tenure

pursue the lead from the letter

go to Hughes house

contact Duncan Britero or city council

go to Hughes house

Characters List

weirdness magnet

Dr. Marie Higgins

Jesse McManus

Dean Pritchert


classroom / students

Dean Pritchert 


Jesse McManus


Manny Britero

Duncan Britero

Catherine Hughes

Chad Hughes


city council 

Jesse McManus


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