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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Scene 3 - Protest and A Phone Call

 Next expected scene starts with David heading home to call the number on the letter.  It's early evening so he figures it's not too late to make the call.  Testing the scene results in a 7, which matches the current Chaos Factor of 7, and being odd, calls for an altered scene.  Rather than rolling, I'll go a more narrative approach and go with the next expected scene being some kind of interruption by the protesters when David exits the building.

David leaves the meeting and on his way out of the building he is stopped short by the protester he engaged with earlier.

A roll on the Character Conversations table: 69, 81 Mature / Official.  A roll on the Non-Player Compendium gives me prompts for the protester's name.  

The protester introduces himself as Manny Britero and says that his uncle, Duncan Britero, serves on the city council.  His uncle is in the process of making a motion to evict the NICPP from the civic center and revoke their lease.  David is troubled to hear that the protesters have what seems to be some form of political backing in the city.  He reiterates to Manny that he is welcome to join their meeting at any time, and that the NICPP is not looking to recruit or proselytize, but only to act as an organization for like-minded people that are interested in exploring the possibility of psychic phenomena.

David makes it back to his apartment and dials the number on the letter.  

Roll to see if someone answers the phone.  Yes.  Roll to see whether the mother answers.  Yes.  Roll to see if she is still receptive to setting up an interview.  Yes.  Roll on Non-Player Compendium for name.

After a brief conversation, David sets up a meeting at the residence of Catherine Hughes.  She agreed to have David come over Thursday evening at 6pm to meet her 8 year old boy Chad.  Apparently he is able to put images he draws into her head.  This is the first real promising lead David has had in quite some time.  He is considering mentioning it to his colleague Dr. Marie Higgins to see if she'd like to accompany him.  He'll ask her tomorrow at school.  

Chaos Factor to 8.  Lists updated.

Threads List

publish / write book on Psi and faith

investigate Psi reports

make tenure

make tenure

pursue the lead from the letter

go to Hughes house

contact Duncan Britero or city council

Characters List

weirdness magnet

Dr. Marie Higgins

Jesse McManus

Dean Pritchert


classroom / students

Dean Pritchert 


Jesse McManus


Manny Britero

Duncan Britero

Catherine Hughes

Chad Hughes


city council 

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