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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Scene 2 - After School Meeting

 I'll move the story along to the next expected scene which would be an encounter at the weekly NICPP meeting, which meets every Monday in town.  I roll a 7 so Scene 2 begins at the NICPP meeting.

David leaves school tired and hungry.  He's got some time to grab a bite at a shop on the way to the local civic club where the NICPP holds their weekly meetings.  Sometimes outsiders or non-members show up at the meetings to listen to accounts of psychic phenomena; every now and then someone shows up with a first hand account of a psychic event.

I roll to see if any visitors show up tonight.  Exceptional No.  This means there's been a growing public backlash over the presence of the NICPP in the community.

As David shows up to the civic center, he notices what looks like a few protesters in front of the building with poster boards denouncing the NICPP.  He walks up to one and asks what the trouble is.  

I'll use GURPS reaction table with a -2 to the roll to see how the protester responds.  Result is a 11 which is neutral.

The protester curtly answers that psychic phenomena are of the devil, and he believes that the NICPP should not be allowed to use a community hall to promote psychic awareness.  Concerned for any negative attention that might discourage the general public from attending their meetings, David tries to reason with the protester, telling him that he is also a man of faith and believes that there is room to ask questions about such matters within the context of faith.  He invites the protesters to join the meeting.  

Do they join?  A roll says No.  

David says they are welcome anytime and heads inside the building.  The meeting commences with a round-table discussion of recent events that are rumored to have taken place in the local area.  After the meeting David pulls Jesse McManus (the chapter president) aside and asks if there was any mail.  

Roll says Yes.

Usually Jesse will look over the mail before bringing it to the meeting to discuss.  Mail comes from all over the country, but since chapters are in different states, usually local chapters only receive local or at least regional mail that pertains to their area.  Some of it are hoaxes, others can turn into promising leads.  This one in particular seems like a very promising lead.  It is a request for someone to come to a residence and observe a child.  The letter was written by the mother.  David tells Jesse that he'd like to conduct the interview and decides to call the number on the letter when he gets back to his apartment.  

Chaos Factor is bumped up to 7 since David was not in control of the scene with the protesters, and they might cause trouble in the future for the NICPP.  On the bright side, a letter was received that might be promising for an interview, but this isn't enough to offset the potential trouble of the protesters.  

Threads List

publish / write book on Psi and faith

investigate Psi reports

make tenure

make tenure

pursue the lead from the letter

Characters List

weirdness magnet

Dr. Marie Higgins

Jesse McManus

Dean Pritchert


classroom / students

Dean Pritchert 


Jesse McManus


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