Expected scene: David exits his blur of a weekend and tries to rally himself to start a new work week. He knows why he feels the way he does - it's because of his interaction with Chad, and Chad's response to being spoken to telepathically. David comes up with a wild idea - a desperate thought in a desperate state of mind to rid himself of this self-loathing guilt. He should try to speak to Chad again telepathically, and show him that it is not something to be feared. But this means he needs to see him again - he needs to go to the Hughes house, tonight! Rolled 6 against CF 8, it's an interrupt scene. Rolled on Random Event Focus Table: 66, Close a Thread. Make tenure was the rolled result.
9/14/81 Monday (Day 4 Depression)
It's 9:13 am. David wakes up late, sleeping right through his alarm! He instantly recalls his dream. He contacted Chad again and the experience was a positive one. He wants to try to communicate with him again in real life - telepathically. But he needs to focus on more pressing matters - work. He has overslept and missed his first class, and his second one should be starting, NOW.
David decides to just call in sick. However, instead of calling the typical office number for call offs, he decides to contact Dean Pritchert's office. This is not his first late call-off, and he's wondering if this is going to cause him trouble. He calls the dean's office and his secretary puts David through.
David begins explaining to Dean Pritchert that he has not been feeling well the past few days and has been fighting exhaustion due to an illness, hence the late call-off from oversleeping.
Rolling a Quick Contest of David's Diplomacy skill 12 vs the dean's Will of 11 - this is an Influence Roll using a Quick Contest in GURPS. I rolled a 10 for each character, but David wins because he had the largest margin of success since his skill is a 12 and the dean's Will attribute is an 11. Because David won the Influence Roll, he gets a Good reaction from the dean. I'm interpreting this in the context of closing the 'make tenure' thread.
David is able to make his case in a more than satisfactory manner. In fact, not only does the dean not penalize him for a late call-off, he tells David that he has been considering giving him tenure for a few months now. He knows how valuable David is to St. Xavier College. David has a good reputation not only with the students, but is known as a hard worker and diligent researcher - his long hours have been noticed. Dean Pritchert tells him that his tenure is only a matter of formality now, and that he should schedule a meeting with his secretary to go over the details. Congratulations is in order. Dean Pritchert tells David to get some rest, and that perhaps he needs to learn to pace himself or possibly be at risk for academic burnout - he's seen it before in other young, bright minds. Sometimes the body cannot keep up with the mind. David thanks Dean Pritchert, and for the first time in what seems like months, has a huge weight lifted off of his shoulders. He has made tenure.
Chaos Factor down to 7. Lists updated.
Threads List
1. publish / write book on Psi and faith
2. investigate Psi reports
3. meet Chad Hughes
4. call Catherine Hughes
5. talk with Marie
6. find Catherine's number or stop by house
7. Find Catherine's number or stop by house
Characters List
1. weirdness magnet
2. Dr. Marie Higgins
3. Jesse McManus
4. Dean Pritchert
6. classroom / students
8. Manny Britero
9. Duncan Britero
10. Catherine Hughes
11. Chad Hughes
12. city council
13. Marie
14. Chad Hughes
15. Catherine Hughes
16. Eric Hughes
17. Depression
18. military vet
19. lost letter
20. Jesse
21. Manny Britero and church members
22. Depression
23. Dean Pritchert
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