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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Scene 10 - Harassment & Being Unmotivated

Expected scene: David should really get some work done at home, to the very least recording his experience from Thursday night.  He also needs to either find Catherine's letter with the phone number on it, or make a decision on when to drive to their home.  A visit to Marie might not be out of the question either.  Seems like a lot to do on a Sunday when you're depressed...  Rolled 3 against CF 7, so altered scene.  Roll of 2 on Scene Adjustment Table: Add A Character.  For even more random surprise, I chose to roll on my Character List randomly.  Jesse McManus of all people!  

9/13/81 Sunday (Day 3 Depression)

David wakes up late Sunday morning.

Does Jesse call or stop by?  Calling seems more likely than dropping by.  Very Likely.  Rolled 100!!!  Exceptional Yes that he calls, but we'll have to add something Exceptional about this confirmation.  

He notices that he has what looks like a few messages on his answering machine.  After rewinding the tape, he plays back 2 messages from Jesse detailing what he described as an awkward encounter at his home - borderline harassment.  He tells David to call him asap.  

Can David call Jesse?  Self-control roll against Chronic Depression is a success.

David calls Jesse back and he listens as Jesse talks about 3 people that showed up at his doorstep around 10am.  Manny Britero and two of his church members took it upon themselves to stop by Jesse's house to ask him to vacate the civic center and cancel the lease.  They felt that God had told them the NICPP was leading people astray into witchcraft, and that such an organization had no place in a public civic center.  Jesse described the encounter as at first somewhat amusing, but then it started to turn borderline hostile as the group began to become visibly angry when Jesse told them he had no intentions of backing out of the lease.  Jesse threatened to go to the police if the group returned to his private home again on the grounds of harassment.  

Does David mention Manny's uncle Duncan to Jesse?  Yes.

David mustered the courage to tell Jesse that he had kept something from him regarding a conversation with Manny Britero.  He tells Jesse about Duncan Britero and the city council.  He then apologizes for keeping the information from him, saying that he didn't want to burden him with the stress and that he had intentions of taking care of it himself, but didn't get around to it yet.  He also took the opportunity to explain that he had been dealing with a lot of guilt over using his telepathy with Chad.

Reaction roll for Jesse with a +2 for their friendship, rolled 10+2 = 12, which is Neutral.

Jesse forgives David but is rather flat in his response.  He's clearly disappointed that David kept important information involving the NICPP from him.  It was a violation of trust.  He tells David that it is his responsibility as the chapter president to deal with the Briteros, and that perhaps this borderline harassment at his private residence might help sway the city council decision in the favor of the NICPP staying at the civic center.  Somewhat relieved that he doesn't have to deal with the Briteros, David again apologizes for keeping the conversation from Jesse and thanks him for taking care of the situation. 

David then remembers to ask Jesse if he thought it would be too forward for him to stop by unannounced at the Hughes residence, that since he lost the letter, he had no way of phoning Catherine.  Jesse says that he really doesn't have a choice in the matter, that he should make the trip.  David thanks him for his advice, and says he's looking forward to hearing more about the veteran.  The two end their conversation.

Does David have the energy to visit the Hughes home today?  Rolling a 2 on Unlikely at CF7 is Exceptional No!

Not only can David not bring himself to visit Catherine Hughes, he doesn't leave the house at all and goes back to bed for the rest of the day - even skipping some meals.  This only sinks him deeper into his depression.  He is even dreaming about Chad now.  

Chaos Factor up to 8 again, he failed to do a major task today with Catherine Hughes.  Lists updated.

Threads List

1.  publish / write book on Psi and faith

2.  investigate Psi reports

3.  make tenure

4.  meet Chad Hughes

5.  call Catherine Hughes

6.  talk with Marie

7. find Catherine's number or stop by house

8. make tenure

9. Find Catherine's number or stop by house

Characters List

1.  weirdness magnet

2.  Dr. Marie Higgins

3.  Jesse McManus

4.  Dean Pritchert


6.  classroom / students


8.  Manny Britero

9.  Duncan Britero

10.  Catherine Hughes

11.  Chad Hughes

12.  city council 

13.  Marie

14.  Chad Hughes

15.  Catherine Hughes

16.  Eric Hughes 

17.  Depression 

18. military vet

19. lost letter

20. Jesse 

21. Manny Britero and church members

22. Depression

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