Blog Archive

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Game Reflection: Short Scenes

Some of the scenes are actually quite short, especially the last one (Scene 12).  Part of the reason for ending it so soon is because I wanted to allow the chance for the narrative to be altered when considering the next expected scene - which is to see if Marie wants to join him in the visit, and to check to see if David can overcome his crippling Chronic Depression with another roll to be able to leave his apartment.  If I lumped all of that with scene 12, instead of making it scene 13, I could have missed out on experiencing a change in what I expect to happen.  While somewhat tedious, I find that the random element of making a success roll can bring an unexpected result in how the narrative is shaped, which is what is most interesting to me.  I want to be surprised in this story, and I want the mechanics to shape the story as well - a GURPS disadvantage should have a meaningful consequence, especially a crippling one like Chronic Depression.  

I've also noticed that a large chunk of some of these blog posts are actually explaining mechanics.  Sometimes the italicized parts of the post are greater than the regular font, which means I'm doing more explaining than the actual description of the game itself.  I suppose that some might find that distracting, but others might enjoy the explanation of the mechanics.  

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