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Monday, July 22, 2024

Scene 8 - Trudging Through

Housekeeping: I need to reorganize the Characters List since I have run to the bottom of the page.  I trimmed down occurrences of duplicated events as per Mythic rules.  Both the Threads and Characters Lists have been trimmed and updated.  Side note: I might start adding the date at the beginning of each scene.  I'll have to keep track of the next 8 days for David's depression.  

After a much needed night's rest, David's full FP has returned to 10.  Expected scene: David wakes up and calls Jesse, telling him about last night's meeting.  He is looking forward to speaking with Marie at school - hopefully they run into each other.  At some point tomorrow, probably after school, David will need to figure out a way to get into contact with either Duncan Britero himself or city council.  Test scene roll is 10 - normal.

9/11/81 Friday Morning (Day 1 depression)

David wakes and his eyes are not heavy anymore, but he actually still feels physically drained and mentally exhausted.  In fact, he feels rather numb.  It's a struggle to get out of bed and eat breakfast.  

Is he too depressed to call Jesse?  Giving the odds of Nearly Certain on a CF of 8, I roll a 42 - not surprisingly, David is too depressed to have a conversation with Jesse.

In spite of the importance of what occurred last night, David simply can't bring himself to repeat in detail the events to Jesse, in fact, he can't even think how he'd go about beginning such a conversation.  He's actually hoping now that he doesn't run into Marie, feeling the way he does.  Maybe he should call off work?

David makes it to school late.  His classroom is already waiting for him as he shuffles through the door.  

Roll against Teaching skill to see if he can make it through his first class.  Modifier of Unfavorable for a -1.  Rolled 8 against effective skill of 11, success.  With a margin of success of 3, I'll say David had enough mental fortitude to finish his course load for the day.  He has a M-W-F 3 class load, and teaches 2 classes Tues & Thurs.

David makes it through his morning classes and heads to the break room.

Does he see Marie?  Yes.  A roll on Character Conversation gives Mysterious / Quarrelsome 

David sees Marie in the break room and walks over to talk with her.  Surprisingly, she comes across as irritated and gruff.  She seems reluctant to talk about how she couldn't meet him last night.  

David tries to ascertain why Marie is acting so distant and irritated.  Before I can even roll a Psychology check, I'll roll against his Chronic Depression to see if he can even bring himself to wonder what might be bothering Marie.  I roll an 8 against 12, success.  Modifiers to Psych roll include +3 for Empathy, +1 for somewhat knowing Marie (he does not know her very well yet).  Rolled 13 against effective Psych skill of 16.  Another success.  

He's feeling mentally drained at this point, but David is able to surmise that Marie is acting this way because she is embarrassed of her behavior somehow - it's a defense mechanism.  He tells her that they don't need to talk about last night and that whenever she's ready, he'll let her know how the night went.  

David finishes his day at school and heads home.  He has about an hour before the city council office closes for the weekend.   

Earlier in this scene I used the Fate Chart in Mythic to see if David was motivated enough to call Jesse, I can also use the self-control number (12) for his Chronic Depression.  Rolled a 15.  Failure.

David is too exhausted to bother contacting city council - that'll have to wait until Monday.    

Chaos Factor reduced to 7.  Lists revised, trimmed, and updated.

Threads List

1.  publish / write book on Psi and faith

2.  investigate Psi reports

3.  make tenure

4.  contact Duncan Britero or city council

5.  meet Chad Hughes

6.  call Catherine Hughes

7.  call Jesse

8.  talk with Marie

9.  call Jesse

10.  contact Duncan Britero or city council

Characters List

1.  weirdness magnet

2.  Dr. Marie Higgins

3.  Jesse McManus

4.  Dean Pritchert


6.  classroom / students

7.  protesters

8.  Jesse McManus


10.  Manny Britero

11.  Duncan Britero

12.  Catherine Hughes

13.  Chad Hughes

14.  city council 

15.  Marie

16.  Chad Hughes

17.  Catherine Hughes

18.  Eric Hughes 

19.  Depression 

20.  Depression

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