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Monday, July 22, 2024

Scene 9 - Lost Number & New Info

 Expected scene: David has some phone calls to make this weekend.  He needs to call Jesse McManus and Catherine Hughes.  He should also record his experience the other night - material that could be used for his book and /or general academic research.  Rolled 3 tested scene - altered.  Rolled 5 on Scene Adjustment Table - Remove An Object.  

9/12/81 Saturday (Day 2 depression)

David wakes up late.  Still feeling horrible.  He knows why...he should have NEVER used his ability on that kid.  What was he thinking?!  The guilt is starting to consume him.  

Can he get out of bed?  Yes.

He manages to drag himself out of bed, but he doesn't have an appetite.  The morning feels like a thick fog.  David decides it's time to make his phone calls.  First, Catherine Hughes.  But he can't seem to find the letter with their number on it.  He searches the best he can, given how he feels, and he can't come up with the letter.  How could he be so careless?  Did he even think to give Catherine his number?  He can't remember.  Perhaps he should drop by the house...unexpected.  Maybe he's not thinking clearly.  David thinks of a great idea - he could confide in Jesse and see what he suggests.  

Can he get motivated enough to call Jesse? Rolled for Yes.  Again, I choose to use the Fate Chart in Mythic.  This gives the possibility of a random event, unlike the success roll that I would use in GURPS.  As a side note, perhaps I can get the benefit of a random event while using a success roll in GURPS by using GURPS for the mechanic, and a simultaneous roll on the Fate Chart just to see if I come up with a roll that would trigger a random event - i.e. ignoring the oracle aspect of the Fate Chart roll... 

David dials Jesse's number.

Does he answer?  Yes, but 66 on a CF of 7 means a random event is triggered.   Rolling on Event Focus Table gives Move Towards A Thread, the next roll gives "make tenure" on the Threads List.  I'll interpret this result in the context of the following phone conversation.

Jesse picks up the phone, and before David can tell him about his night on Thursday, Jesse begins to tell David how he received a letter from an individual who is willing to participate in a controlled study environment - basically offering himself up for the good of scientific research.  He has an ability to detect objects.  Jesse seems to think this is legitimate, because the author of the letter happens to be an honorably discharged veteran.

I rolled on the Character Background table during the previous thought and got Failure / Freedom, which is how I came up with an honorably discharged veteran.  My narrative instinct was to assume the author of the letter was perhaps another professional academic - I'm glad I randomly rolled!

Apparently the vet has more faith in a civilian organization than the government for some reason.  David immediately thinks about what this could do for his tenure track.  The research that could be generated, the knowledge that could be had - not just for his professional gain, but for science!  David told Jesse to set up a meeting with the vet.

David then tells Jesse about his experience Thursday night.  Jesse seems overwhelmed with excitement between David's experience and the letter from the vet.  All of a sudden David felt guilty for keeping the information about the Briteros and the city council from Jesse.  

Can he bring himself to talk about this now?  Roll against his Chronic Depression fails.  David decides it's too much to discuss at the moment.

Briefly considering telling Jesse about the possible threat to the local chapter, he decides to end the conversation all together and get some rest.  Jesse understands that David is tired.  After hanging up, David realizes he forgot to ask Jesse about whether he should show up at the Hughes residence.  Too much to think about now...David goes back to bed.  

Chaos Factor stays at 7.  Lists updated.

Threads List

1.  publish / write book on Psi and faith

2.  investigate Psi reports

3.  make tenure

4.  contact Duncan Britero or city council

5.  meet Chad Hughes

6.  call Catherine Hughes

7.  call Jesse

8.  talk with Marie

9.  call Jesse

10.  contact Duncan Britero or city council

11. find Catherine's number or stop by house

12. make tenure

Characters List

1.  weirdness magnet

2.  Dr. Marie Higgins

3.  Jesse McManus

4.  Dean Pritchert


6.  classroom / students

7.  protesters

8.  Jesse McManus


10.  Manny Britero

11.  Duncan Britero

12.  Catherine Hughes

13.  Chad Hughes

14.  city council 

15.  Marie

16.  Chad Hughes

17.  Catherine Hughes

18.  Eric Hughes 

19.  Depression 

20.  Depression

21.  Depression

22. military vet

23. lost letter

24. Jesse 

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